Friday, November 02, 2012


This year Sean put his costume order in early:  A three headed snake, dragon or shark.  While I'm flattered that he thinks I can sew anything( !!!) I knew I was up a creek without a paddle.  October has been so busy for us!  Pensacola, garage sale, school parties, OUR party- oh, not to mention work!  So needless to say we settled for a regular ole-boring dragon.   BTW, he was tickled with the wings I sewed him so it made up for the missing two heads. 

Marlee was born a kitty cat nut.  Don't even get me started on the whole "Nature vs. Nurture" thing.
While I think cats are groovy I have never loved them.  Mostly because I am allergic to them- hence no love here.  Marlee hasn't had much contact with cats at all but one of her first sounds was:  brrrrrwow!  (that's a meow for those of you who don't understand kittytalk).  At a recent consignment sale I found these shoes:

and that sealed the deal for this year's costume choice. 

I know!  I was asked half a dozen times what our family costume theme was going to be.  But alas, once kids start making their own choices it becomes really difficult.  NOT to say we're totally abandoning the idea.  I LOVE themes.  But I'm going to have to do a good job selling the ideas this year foward. 

Bryan dressed up as darkness (many of you might remember this from the ole' Saturn days) but I wasn't able to snap a picture of him:(  BOO! 

ON Halloween we decided to stay indoors for the little one's sake and went trick-or-treating at the mall.  Mimi and Poppy (the yummiest M&M's I've ever seen) came with us.    Marlee loved it!  Sean was actually a little more apprehensive and maybe a tad bored.  In a year or two we're going to have to hit one of the neighborhoods in this area to do some good ole'fashioned trick or treating.  Nowadays there are so many trunk-or-treats and festivals that it's hard to decide.  I can see that at Sean's age he's nearly ready to make the rounds! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn’t refrain from cοmmenting. Exceptionally well writtеn!

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