Saturday, July 13, 2013

"I'm going to find a rock to put on your head."

....that's what my Grandma Rita used to say to me when she'd gasp at one of my recent growth spurts.  I always thought it was funny, but I've realized lately she was on to something. 

My babies are growing. like. weeds.  Sean is finishing up his first "official" summer break.  Look out first grade here he comes!  Marlee is two, going on twenty.  We swear one day soon she's going to ask us for the keys to the car. 

We are certainly proud of our kids' milestones. 

Sean is reading like a pro.  He loooooves anything prehistoric.  Dinosaurs (of course) but also fossils, prehistoric sharks, prehistoric bugs, prehistoric crocs.  He loves to learn and was a model student in Mrs. Quirk's kindergarten class (or so she told us!- proudddd!!) 

Marlee is talking up a storm.  She repeats everything. EVERYTHINGGGG!  So be careful what you say, we've certainly learned the hard way.   One thing we are super! super! super! excited about...she's fully pottytrained!  She became very interested at about 18 months and took the final leap a few weeks before she turned 2!!!!  YAY!!  It's great to see her growing, but of course it's a little bittersweet too.   Will.not.cry..........yet. 

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